Trends in Asia may be ahead of the "thermometer" around the world with a probability of about 70%
Alexander Maksimov, Commercial Director of SamyangMeta Ltd, and Levon Garslyan, Deputy General Director of Metadynea, told Asia Business Blog about the results, features and plans of Metafrax Group in the markets of the Asia-Pacific region.
According to top managers, Russian companies that enter the market as suppliers have their own advantages: reliability, predictability, willingness to work "for a long time" and the ability to avoid the chase of market changes. "We behave in a more noble manner from the point of view of business ethics. Both Koreans and Japanese like it", - the experts noted.
The managers shared information about their plans for business development: "Regarding logistics, we are making steps towards Japan, as this is our № 2 goal in the region". At the same time, according to them, the promising aspect of the Asia-Pacific region may not only lie in the access to new markets, but also in technological cooperation.
"We initially created a joint venture for the purposes of trade, but we are ready to consider the option of allocating capacity for new production. In addition, Korea and Japan are traditionally advanced in terms of technology, therefore, as of today, having an appetite and a desire to venture into new products, we have to constantly search and develop", - the top managers said.
While evaluating the partnership with Samyang Chemical Group, Alexander Maksimov and Levon Garslyan noted that the partnership implies depth and openness of relations: "This kind of union allows you to expand your horizons. For example, where do you get information regarding the market: at what prices do our neighbors from China sell a particular product to Korea, India and Japan? No analytics will provide you with this, but I receive this information once a week at 8 am on Wednesdays. But do not forget that this knowledge costs money. Moreover, since we trade "Metafrax" products all over the world, we can say that trends in Asia may be ahead of the "thermometer" around the world with a probability of about 70%".
Read the full text of the interview at the website of the expert-analytical project Asia Business Blog through the link.